Fitness Gadgets


Move over smart phones, American sensor-integrated clothing company Heapsylon has developed socks that count steps; calculate speed, calories, altitude and distance traveled. These also examine foot landing technique and weight distribution on the foot of a runner and help identify injury-prone styles.
Price: INR 12,000

Smart Socks


You would hardly associate a fork with keeping fit. But the Bluetooth-enabled Hapifork is different. It is a electronic fork that monitors and slows down your eating. It also alerts you with lights and vibrations when you are eating too fast. This information is then uploaded to your Smartphone to track your progress.
Price: INR 6,000

Fork It


A trusted activity tracker, the Nike Fuelband is a wearable wristband that tracks the wearer’s physical activity, steps taken and calories burned. It calculates if your activity level is on the right track and gives you points for it. The device also connects you to Nike community for motivation and exchanging notes.
Price: INR 9,000

Nike FuelBand


The withings smart body analyzer measures, tracks and helps you master your body’s weight by giving you the data needed to monitor and adapt lifestyles changes. It takes your pulse (through your feet) while you weight yourself and it breaks down your goals into achievable targets while keeping you focused.
Price: INR 7,800

Smart Body Analyzer


Most smart phones devices either focus on fitness or productivity. But the Samsung gear fit being introduced soon is both. It offers a pedometer, movement tracking, heart rate and sleep monitoring. It connects to the Smartphone via Bluetooth, giving you text, call, Email, and app notifications.
Price: Yet to be announced

Gear Fit

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